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Planning your first Hike

by Hugh Watkins

Hiking for Beginners: Tips and Essentials


Embarking on a hiking adventure can be exciting, but it can also be intimidating for beginners. To ensure you have an enjoyable and safe experience, follow these essential tips and recommendations.

1. Choosing the Right Hike

Before setting off on a hike, it’s essential to research and select a trail that aligns with your fitness level, experience, and personal preferences. Taking the time to choose the right trail will help ensure an enjoyable and safe outdoor experience. Consider the following factors when selecting a hiking trail:


Evaluate your physical capabilities and the amount of time you have available for the hike. Shorter trails may be better for beginners or those with limited time, while longer trails can provide a more challenging and immersive experience.

Elevation gain:

The elevation gain of a trail refers to the cumulative increase in altitude along the path. Higher elevation gains typically indicate a more strenuous hike, which may be better suited for experienced hikers or those looking for a challenge.

Trail difficulty:

Trails are often rated by their difficulty, ranging from easy to difficult or strenuous. Assess your skill level and choose a trail that matches your abilities. Keep in mind that difficulty ratings may vary depending on the source and can be subjective.


Consider the type of terrain the trail traverses, such as rocky paths, steep inclines, or well-maintained trails. Familiarize yourself with the terrain to ensure you are comfortable navigating it and have the appropriate footwear.

Scenery and points of interest:

Research the trail’s scenery and any notable points of interest, such as waterfalls, viewpoints, or historical landmarks. Selecting a trail with appealing features can enhance your enjoyment and motivation.

Season and weather:

Certain trails may be more enjoyable or accessible during specific seasons or weather conditions. For example, some paths may become muddy or snow-covered, while others might offer exceptional wildflower displays or fall foliage.

Trail popularity and solitude:

Consider whether you prefer a popular, well-traveled trail or a more secluded experience. Popular trails often have better infrastructure and maintenance but may be crowded, while less frequented trails can offer solitude and a sense of adventure.


If you or someone in your hiking group has mobility limitations, look for trails that are wheelchair or stroller accessible. Many parks and nature reserves offer accessible routes and viewpoints.

Safety and regulations:

Research any safety concerns, regulations, or permit requirements for the trail. This may include wildlife encounters, trail closures, or restrictions on activities like camping or campfires.

2. Check Weather Conditions

Weather can have a significant impact on your hike. Check the forecast and be prepared for potential changes in temperature and precipitation. Dressing in layers and packing rain gear can help you stay comfortable and safe.

3. Know the Trail

Familiarize yourself with the trail by studying maps and reading trail descriptions. Carry a map or a reliable GPS device, and be aware of any trail markers or blazes to avoid getting lost.

4. Hike with a Buddy

Hiking with a friend or a group not only enhances the experience but also increases safety. If hiking alone, inform someone about your planned route and estimated return time.

5. Wear Appropriate Clothing and Footwear

Wear moisture-wicking, quick-drying clothes and avoid cotton, which retains moisture. Choose comfortable, broken-in hiking shoes or boots to prevent blisters and provide support.

6. Pack the Essentials

Carry a backpack with the “10 Essentials” for safety, survival, and basic comfort. These include navigation tools, sun protection, extra clothing, illumination, first-aid supplies, a multi-tool, extra food and water, and emergency shelter.

7. Practice Leave No Trace Principles

Be a responsible hiker by following Leave No Trace principles. Dispose of waste properly, minimize campfire impact, respect wildlife, and leave natural and cultural features undisturbed.

8. Stay Hydrated and Energized

Drink water regularly, even if you don’t feel thirsty. Bring snacks or meals high in energy to fuel your body throughout the hike.

9. Pace Yourself

Maintain a comfortable pace and take breaks when needed. Pay attention to your body’s signals and adjust your pace accordingly.

10. Be Prepared for Emergencies

Learn basic first aid and carry a well-stocked first-aid kit. Familiarize yourself with common trail hazards and know how to handle them.


By following these essential tips, beginner hikers can have a safe and enjoyable experience in nature. Embrace the adventure, and don’t forget to have fun!

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